Hanno Werk GmbH & Co. KG - Pre-Supplier for Ventilators

ZUKUNFTINC. Online talking to Thomas Konrad (Commercial Director) and Frank Bublitz (Sales Manager Industrial Division) about the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic:
Mr. Konrad, how noisy would a ventilator be without sound absorbing materials?
Determining factor is always the individual ventilation situation and what the device is expected to achieve in order to supply the patient with sufficient breathing air. What is being perceived as quiet for a healthy person, may pose additional stress to a seriously ill patient. Without sound absorbing measures a ventilator may be perceived about as loud as if somebody constantly whispers into your ear. When the ventilator is insulated, it is typically as noisy as the human breathing noise itself. But – as said – we are here talking about average laboratory values, which depend on the specific breathing situation.
What exactly creates the noise in a ventilator and therefore needs to be insulated?
Each noise source, which is encapsulated in a housing becomes louder due to the reflection within the case. In addition sound is created by the flowing air in the tubes. For this reason the ventilator housings are insulated on the interior with absorption material.
Which Hanno products are being used for ventilators?
The materials are being chosen according to the frequency spectrum. In most cases PU foam with good absorption properties is being used. In addition the foam’s surface is covered with a very thin – acoustically permeable – foil. This avoids soiling and improves the acoustic properties in low frequency areas.
Mr. Bublitz, since when has Hanno been supplying ventilator manufacturers?
Hanno supplies all leading manufacturers of ventilators for more than 20 years.
Has the COVID-19 pandemic any impact on the order situation and, if yes, how?
Luckily we have two – the construction and the industrial – divisions. The latter could almost completely compensate the lost business in the automotive sector with increased order volumes from manufacturers of breathing ventilators.
What happens in a company, if suddenly higher volumes for increased demands in critical infrastructures need to be produced? How did you learn about this?
Our customers manufacturing ventilators have drastically increased their order volumes at an early stage so that we could prepare ourselves reasonably well ahead of time. Nevertheless it was quite a challenge to keep the tight lead times. One customer even attached a support letter from the German Ministry of Health to emphasize the importance of the order from the highest level. But this was obvious anyway and the team highly motivated and committed.
Which employees had to be involved specifically to increase the production capacities? What did you have to consider?
We had to add shifts, for which we quickly found sufficient volunteers without even looking for them.
Mr. Konrad, how will the “new normal” of Hanno look like? Do you expect areas, which will also remain different in the future?
I think we are currently making similar experiences like many other companies. Personal contacts and face-to-face meetings cannot always be replaced, but for sure more often as practiced so far. Fear of contact regarding video calls or webinars will be things of the past as well as reservations against working from home. Many things will be regarded as natural after the Corona pandemic, which is good.
Thank you for the interview.
Interview: Stefanie Gaffron // Photos: Copyright Hanno Werk GmbH, 2020
Source: ZUKUNFTINC. online