Measures and regulations for protection against infection

Dear valued Business Partner,
Due to the current situation, the German government has implemented a number of measures in order to limit respectively counteract the spread of the Coronavirus.
HANNO will contribute to this goal and wants to protect not only its own employees, but also fellow human citizens despite continuing its business operations as good as possible.
Production, sales, shipping and also deliveries of HANNO products are currently ensured.
The HANNO team is proud to supply products being used for respiratory equipment as pre-supplier during the current crisis.
We have also taken safety measures for our employees. Home office solutions have been established for our sales team and for most parts of our administration.
In our production direct contacts between employees are in most cases avoided by reducing the work time per shift. All employees working in the manufacturing and related departments at the HANNO site have been informed about the recommended hygiene-measures and have been equipped with the necessary tools. Personal contacts with customers, suppliers and partners are being avoided as much as possible and take place electronically.
The following measures apply:
- freight forwarders may continue to deliver and pick up goods as long as the general hygiene regulations are being followed
- our sales managers will provide product related information for our business customers by phone
- for general enquiries we are available by phone as usual at +86 (0) 21-5101 3480
- your usual contact persons continue to be available for your assistance
In case the situation may change, we will inform you immediately based on our best knowledge and belief.
Stay healthy!
Your HANNO team