HANNO celebrates its notable anniversary – 125 years young

From left to right: Thomas Konrad (Commercial Director, HANNO), Markus Fehrmann (Sales Director Construction, HANNO), Jürgen Köhne (Mayor of Laatzen), Rainer Scholz (representative of the shareholders, HANNO), Günter Krohn (Managing Director, HANNO), Frank Peters (Director Production, HANNO), Christian Bebek (deputy managing director of Hanover’s Chamber of Commerce), Dr. Andreas Hohlfeld (Head of R&D, HANNO), Frank Bublitz (Sales Director Industry, HANNO), Simona Mieles (Employees Representative, HANNO), Steffen Koch (Business Development Hanover)
Within 125 years to the top of the niche – the story of Hanno Werk GmbH & Co. KG in a nutshell
The Laatzen based showcase company manufactures sealing and insulation systems and is in particular successful with its “Hannoband” product, which has a reputation at construction sites like “Band-Aid” for medical plaster. HANNO’s R&D department continuously develops new solutions to improve installation and insulation. Last year HANNO inaugurated the new buildings at its Hanno-Ring location, now followed by its anniversary celebration. “We are very happy about this rare jubilee – and for the recognition being shown by today’s important visitors and their congratulations”, Hanno’s Managing Director Günter Krohn said very pleased. With about 200 employees HANNO is regarded as one of the largest employers in Laatzen.
From felt producer to innovation driver
The early days of the company date back to the years of the second industrial revolution. Established in 1895 as “Hannoversche Filzfabrik M. Mehlhard” in Hanover, the company moved soon after to the nearby town Gleidingen. HANNO grew continuously and needed more space. Therefore HANNO maintained two sites within the city of Laatzen for many years. “This was obviously not ideal for many reasons – the production chain was difficult to manage and the unavoidable traffic between both sites was a burden for the local community”, explained HANNO’s authorized officer Markus Fehrmann. As so often HANNO made a virtue of necessity: With HANNO’s sixth extension since 1996 – the most recent with an investment of 5mio EUR – its production, administration and the new technology center were combined at one location. Further growth possible: There is still plenty of space for additional extensions on Hanno’s 51.000 square meter large property.
HANNO generates about two thirds of its turnover with the construction industry, the sealing tapes are mainly used for window and door applications. High performance products to enable tight joints, which insulate against heat and cold and also reduce noise as well vibrations are also demanded for many other applications from tramways to washing machines.
Technology leader for sealing tapes
Our core business is to refine foam, to impregnate it and to manufacture sealing tapes out of it, which are being used in the construction industry and for industrial applications. In this category HANNO is regarded as one of the three market leaders. “But more relevant is to be considered as technology leader, since this secures our long term existence. For this reason our R&D is so fundamental”, emphasized Mr. Krohn. Success example? The 湿度适应性 “Hannoband®-3E” tape is designed in a way that it can be installed either way, independent of the mounting direction – this is in particular advantageous for a quick installation. Certificates from several institutions – for example by “ift – Institute for Window Technology” – confirm the product quality and performance from a neutral party. The most recent coup: “Hanno®-Injection Resin”, which makes the sealing and installation of windows much simpler, since “the in-house developed injection resin is being injected directly into the foam of the 接缝密封胶带 so that the craftsman does not have to use conventional wedging products”, explained Mr. Fehrmann.
HANNO addresses the continued digitalization process of the construction industry with a systematic IT strategy. In this context product data has already been converted for the upcoming “BIM-standard” – making HANNO a pioneer within its industry.
Loyal to its location and young at heart
“Being loyal to our location is important”, says Mr. Krohn, “since we enjoy being in Laatzen. This is our home – like for many of our 200 employees. With our decision to further invest into our current location, HANNO has demonstrated to stay long-term at its current site”. With this decision the “made in Germany” attribute is also being associated, which still has an excellent reputation. This promise into the future also means investing into further development. Krohn: “We are driven by more than sales. We want to develop solutions for tomorrow. I am convinced that we will succeed with our highly skilled team.”
In summary the balance after 125 years is very positive – and reveals a company which is very well prepared for the coming years. This is why Mr. Krohn regards HANNO as a company being rich in history, but not as being old: “We are 125 years young!”